
Elodin has built-in functionality to save simulation data to a directory. This data can be used to replay the simulation at a later time. This is useful for debugging, testing, and sharing simulations. Replays also enable running simulations in a headless environment, and then replaying them in a graphical environment.

To replay a simulation using the Elodin editor, run the following command:

elodin editor <path to replay dir>

You can download an example replay archive from the following url: replay.tar.gz.

File Layout

An Elodin replay directory contains:

  • metadata.json
  • assets.bin
  • Component data Parquet files


This file contains all of the metadata that is needed to replay the simulation. Its schema is as follows:

  "time_step": 0.008333333,
  "archetypes": {
    "archetype_a": [
        "name": "component_1",
        "component_type": {
          "primitive_ty": "F64",
          "shape": [6]
        "tags": null,
        "asset": false

There are two top-level keys in the metadata file:

  • "time_step": The time step that the simulation was run with.
  • "archetypes": A dictionary where the key is the name of the archetype, and the value is a list of component dictionaries.

Each component dictionary has the following keys:

  • "name": The name of the component.
  • "component_type": A dictionary containing the type information of the component.
    • "primitive_ty": The primitive type of the component, which can be either "F64" or "U64".
    • "shape": The shape is a list of integers that specifies the size of each dimension (e.g. [] for scalars, [3] for 3D vectors).


This file is a container of non-component data that's associated with entities. See Well-Known Assets for some examples. Archetypes are often used to link entities to assets by using the asset handle as scalar component data. Some examples of such archetypes are shape, asset_handle_panel, and asset_handle_entity_metadata.

This file format is currently not suitable for consumption by external tools and is subject to change in the future.

Component data Parquet files

Each Archetype in the simulation has a Parquet file named after it. The file contains the component data for each entity of that archetype. There is a row for each entity at every tick of the simulation. There are special columns in the Parquet file that are used to store the entity ID and the tick number: "entity_id" and "tick" respectively. The rest of the columns are the components of the archetype. E.g.:

│ world_pos                 ┆ world_vel                 ┆ tick ┆ entity_id │
│ array[f64, 7]             ┆ array[f64, 6]             ┆ u64  ┆ u64       │
│ [0.0, 0.0, ... 5.999659]  ┆ [0.0, 0.0, ... -0.08175]  ┆ 0    ┆ 0         │
│ [0.0, 0.0, ... 5.9986375] ┆ [0.0, 0.0, ... -0.1635]   ┆ 1    ┆ 0         │
│ [0.0, 0.0, ... 5.996934]  ┆ [0.0, 0.0, ... -0.24525]  ┆ 2    ┆ 0         │

In this simplified example, there is a single entity with two components: world_pos and world_vel. The entity has an ID of 0, and the simulation has run for three ticks.

Well-Known Archetypes


body is a core archetype that's used in most Elodin simulations. It represents the state of a rigid body with six degrees of freedom, and is used by the built-in 6DOF integrators to propagate the simulation forward in time. It also contains most of the necessary information to render the body in a graphical environment. The components of the Body archetype are:

  • world_pos: A SpatialTransform representing the body's position and orientation in the world frame.
  • world_vel: A SpatialMotion representing the body's linear and angular velocity in the world frame.
  • world_accel: A SpatialMotion representing the body's linear and angular acceleration in the world frame.
  • force: A SpatialForce representing the net force and torque acting on the body in the world frame.
  • inertia: A SpatialInertia representing the body's mass, moment of inertia, and momentum in the body frame.


shape represents the primitive shape and color of a body. It serves as a link between entity ids and asset ids, as can be seen from its components:

  • asset_handle_material: A u64 handle to a Material asset.
  • asset_handle_mesh: A u64 handle to a Mesh asset.


asset_handle_panel links an entity to a panel asset. It only has one component: asset_handle_panel, which is a u64 handle to a [Panel] asset.


asset_handle_entity_metadata links an entity to a metadata asset. It only has one component: asset_handle_entity_metadata, which is a u64 handle to a metadata asset.

Well-Known Assets


Mesh assets describe the geometry of a body. Currently, the mesh must be a primitive shape, such as a sphere, box, or cylinder.


Material assets describe the color and texture of a body. Currently, the material must be a solid color.


GLB assets are 3D models in the GLB format. They can be used to represent complex geometries and textures.


Panel assets describe the layout and contents of the Elodin GUI declaratively. They are used to configure viewports and graphs.